Our pages permit you to make comments and express yourself. However, please understand that our firm is a member of a highly regulated industry, so we are always striving to make sure that we are following the rules for these types of social media forums.

We might not respond to posts and we might remove posts because we might think that responding (or not removing a post) would not be compliant with applicable regulations. If that happens, please don’t take it personally. But you should understand that we might remove any contributions to our sites that are:

  • Potentially non-compliant with applicable regulations. For example, “testimonial” comments about how people have done by investing with us or another company.

  • Specific investment recommendations. For example, comments on how to save money are okay, but any advice in the form of stock tips or suggestions is not.

  • Fraudulent, deceptive, exaggerated, or misleading comments.

  • Comments that are disruptive to a constructive and courteous conversation. In other words, be nice. 

Don’t post personal information about yourself other than your name. And please, whatever you do, don’t ever attempt to request transactions, ask questions about your investments, or raise customer-service issues. Instead, contact us directly at!

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